Inline Assign

You can add assignees, tags, start and due dates, and task priority or transfer the task by typing @, #, <, !, and > directly in the task name field.

Inline assign a task

To assign a task to a team member, type @ while editing the task name and select the member from the list.

Note: Adding a second assignee will include them alongside the existing assignees rather than replacing them.

inline assign members

Inline set a date and time

To set a date or time to the task, type < while editing the task name and select the date or time from the menu.

inline assign due date

Some date formats you can type while inline setting dates using <:

  • Type <04/30;>, the task will have a start date of April 30th.

  • Type <04/30;05/05>, the task will have a start date of April 30th and a due date of May 5th.

  • Type <today> or <tomorrow> or <next week> or <Monday> (or any other days of the week) to quickly set the due date.

  • Type <04/30 13:00>, the task will be set to due on April 30th 13:00.

  • Type <today 15:00>, the task will be set to due today at 15:00.

  • Type <Monday 20:00> or <Mon 20:00>, the task will be set to due on the next Monday at 20:00.

  • Type <+1d>, <+1w> or <+1m> to add one more day, one more week or one more month to the due date, counting from today.

  • Type <+n> (eg. <+5>) or <-n> (eg. <-5>) to add or remove more days from the start and/or due date, counting from today.

Tip: This works in a task’s date picker too.

datepicker add or remove days

Date formats allowed

If your month is entered before the day, the input allowed:

  • Apr 30, 2020
  • Apr 30
  • 4/30/2020
  • 4/30
  • 4-30-2020
  • 4-30
  • 4.30.2020
  • 4.30

If your day is entered before the month, the input allowed:

  • 30 Apr 2020
  • 30 Apr
  • 30/4/2020
  • 30/4
  • 30-4-2020
  • 30-4
  • 30.4.2020
  • 30.4

Inline add a tag

To assign a tag to a task, simply type # while editing the task name and select the tag from the list.

Note: Adding additional tags will include them alongside the existing ones without overwriting them.

inline add tags

Inline add a priority

To set a priority for a task, type ! while editing the task name and select the priority level from the list.

Note: Priority from high to low is !1, !2, !3 and !4.

inline set priority

Inline transfer task to another project

To transfer a task to another project or to My Tasks, type > while editing the task name and choose the project from the list.

inline transfer task to another project or to my tasks

Last updated on

Please contact us if you need more assistance.